How can I get fair skin naturally

How can I get fair skin naturally?

In India, people are obsessed with fair skin because for a long time, people with fair skin ruled us and that is why now people have a mentality that fair people are somehow superior but this is not true. This is what society has told us since we were little kids. Now it is in our system to think that fair people are beautiful and smart and dusky or brown people are somehow ugly. This is completely untrue because in America white people go to beaches to get that brown skin that we already have. All that matters about our skin is how clean it is and how even tone we can get it to be. 

Now there are a lot of things that can be done to improve our complexion but getting fair skin if you have dusky or brown skin is not possible because it is totally dependent on our genes and melanin in our body. But many girls and boys in India still ask themselves "How can I get fair skin naturally?" So here are some tips that can improve your skin texture and give you that radiant glow so that you can get an even skin tone and by that, you will see the difference in your confidence. 

1)Keep your skin clean-

The first thing you need to do is keep your skin clean. That means you must wash your face at least twice daily with natural skin care. Do not sleep without washing your face otherwise, all the dirt will penetrate the skin and it will not look good. 

2)Drink enough water-

Drinking water

Water is the best detoxifying thing for your body. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you are feeling thirsty then drink water, not any soda or other things and even when you are feeling hungry in odd hours, then first drink water and then other things because most of the time, we are just thirsty. 




3)Get Natural skincare-

When we think of skincare, we always think of chemical face washes, toners, moisturizers etc. All these things work until we are using them. Once we stop using them, our skin becomes even more worse because all these things are filled with chemicals that are actually damaging our skin from its roots. We must use something that will not harm our skin, make it amazing and even if we stop using it, we will not see any drastic decrease in our skin health. Nerya's bathing powder is meant for both face and body. It works like a miracle because everything in it is natural. You can get it for yourself also. 


Nerya bathing powder best skincare

4)Eat healthy-

What we put inside will show outside, so eat healthy. Everything that comes in a packet is harmful or your health. We should always eat a freshly cooked home meal. Do not include a lot of Maida(refined wheat flour), Sugar, Soda, or processed cheese in your diet. If you can avoid them altogether than you should because they are really bad for our health. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. 



Stress is one of the things that people do not pay attention to when it comes to skincare but actually managing our stress is also much more important than we think it is. Meditate regularly to reduce any kind of stress in your life and also keep in mind that stress is a reason for a lot of skin and health issues. 

6)Exercise regularly-

Exercising keeps blood flow regulated in our body. It helps to remove toxins from our body and also with great blood flow in our system, we get glowing skin. Regular exercise also keeps us healthy by lifting our mood and keeping our joins and bones strong. 


7)Be in a positive state of mind-

Whatever is in our mind is also on our skin. If we are thinking negatively then we will attract negative outcomes and If we are thinking positive thoughts then we will attract positive things in our life. So we have to be mindful of what we are attracting. Always keep your mind on positive things in your life and everything will be fine and you will get that amazing skin that you always wanted. 


So keeping our diet and skincare great can make a huge difference in our skin texture and color but always keep in mind that you are beautiful as you are. Do not do anything to please others but always for yourself. I hope you liked this article. Thank you! Ask away any question that you have in mind. 

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वैसे देखा जाए तो शरीर की जैसी रचना रंग प्रकृति से मिला है वह रहता तो वैसा ही है परंतु उसकी हम अच्छे से देख रेख करें तो वास्तव में हम एक सुंदर और आकर्षण वाला रंग ला सकते है उसके लिए हमें केमिकल निर्मित पाउडर क्रीम आदि उपयोग न करके आयुर्वेदिक या घर के शुद्ध सात्विक पदार्थों से निर्मित सामग्री का उपयोग करेंगे तो वास्तव में हम अपने शरीर की सुंदरता को और बड़ा सकते है एक बात ये है कि मार्किट के पदार्थ जब तक उपयोग करते है तभी तक लाभ मिलता है उसके बाद शरीर की चमक में निशान आना दाग आना होने लगता है और घर से निर्मित पदार्थ को कुछ दिन उपयोग न भी करें तो भी हमारी चमक जैसी की तैसी तेजस्वी को प्राप्त रहती है इसलिए nerya is best all prodect

Praful jain

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